Posts tagged “what”
Here is your 2nd Yokozuna dedicated post this year. Will finally be recognized in the WWE Hall of Fame (spoiler) this coming Wrestlemania. No words can describe this behemoth. First Asian character to become champ and first real life Samoan to win the title. May you and Owen continue your tag team dominance in wrestling […]
Remember when?
A loving family
Hulkamania Runs Wild
Hulk Hogan has the best wrestling storyline ideas and anyone who ignores him isn’t a real American.
A Typical Anderson Silva Match
Jeff Jarrett: King of Mexico
Oh Randy, You So Smiley.
Damn it Joe, Enough
Countdown Moment of the Week
Countdown to Final Crisis was a terrible 52-issue long event. It was so terrible it had little-to-nothing to do with Final Crisis, the event they are leading into. Despite the atrocity, there have been fun, hilarious moments arising from the series. Here is the 2nd installment of Countdown moment of the week. This is from […]