Posts by Glamorama
This is our post for the week…
Happy 7th of July everybody!
Between The Buried and Me – The Parallax Hypersleep Dialogues
Between the Buried and Me is an exciting thing. Wildly aggressive with flashes of melody in a semi-pretentious prog rock shell you say? Was this custom made for nerds who like buying old Nintendo 64’s just to play Starfox while blitzed on hash? I’d like to think the answer to this question is a resounding […]
Splice was dead in the water before it even got a chance to swim/mutate and develop gills so as to avoid drowning. A bizarre concept combined with an awful marketing campaign destined the movie to go down in violent flames and that it did, nearly taking Adrien Brody’s super nose with it. It’s an unfortunate […]
Your Kaiju of the week is…
King Ghidorah! Or Ghidrah! Or however you prefer you spelling! IT’S GHIDRAH THOUGH IF YOU WANT TO BE ACCURATE AND STILL LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS. Man, King Ghidorah is fucking swank. Ghidrah. Ghiorrgdadadfa. Yes, this is the entire post.
Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers
The economy is failing, the unemployment rate continues to climb and my pizzais too hot to eat at the moment. God, I can’t stand it. I’m just so hungry, my body famished from a night of drinking Moosehead beer and a vodka so cheap that I never did see any identifying markers on the label […]
Sleepaway Camp
Should the time come that a person wants to graphically murder me, I hope that we some how end up having our final confrontation at a camp. I would be afraid for my continued existence obviously, but I think the pure rush of running cabin to cabin as an axe wielding malcontent gives chase would […]
The Fall Of Minor Celebrities
Fall of Minor Celebrities? Sure, let’s go ahead with it.
The Green Lantern
Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been to Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and I can say without hyperbole that this is a million times worse than all of them put together. – Kent Brockman I do not expect too much from super hero flicks. They don’t require Oscar winning dialogue or even have to make total and […]
What do you think about creamy tomato soup? I’m really in love with the stuff. The texture of regular tomato soup makes me think I am drinking melted dwarf, but the creamy stuff is not unlike a subtle tip of the hat from a man you respect. It just feels GOOD. So let’s review 1976’s […]
The Coloring Book – Glassjaw
Glassjaw is a frustrating entity. They released 2 absolute classics in 2000’s “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence” and it’s follow up 2002’s “Worship and Tribute” and proceeded to fall off the face of the Earth for the better part of 9 years. They toured occasionally and even took time to insult their […]